The 2020 Innovation of the Year Awards are open March 23 to June 15, 2020.
Established over 35 years ago, the League’s Innovation of the Year Award was devised as a way to recognize significant innovations at Board and Alliance member colleges. These innovations reflect capstone achievements and the continuing renewal of the spirit of innovation and experimentation upon which the League was founded. The award honors faculty, staff, and administrators at member colleges who have created and implemented innovative programs, practices, partnerships, policies, and activities that improve the institution’s ability to serve students and the community.
The League does not facilitate the selection process. Participating institutions announce the Innovation of the Year competition internally. It is recommended that each member college or district create a committee to establish eligibility criteria and selection protocol. Applications should be encouraged from all areas of the college: full- and part-time instructors, student services staff, administrators, and support personnel.
After choosing an innovation according to its own guidelines, each League Board or Alliance college or district submits its award-winning selection by completing the online application.* One winning innovation will be accepted from each college/district. (Districts or systems with multiple colleges or campuses select one innovation to submit to the League.)
*The designated Innovation of the Year Award contact at each institution is responsible for administering this award and submitting a winning innovation. Please contact your president or chancellor to find out who the primary contact is at your college.
The Innovation of the Year Award primary contact for your institution will need the following information in order to complete the online application. Click here for instructions.
Title and Description
A title and description of the award-winning innovation is required as part of the submission process. (100 character limit for title; 1,000 character limit for description)
Winning innovations should fall into one of the following categories:
- Basic Skills and Developmental Education
- Leadership and Organization
- Learning and Teaching
- Research, Assessment, and Accountability
- Resource Development
- Student Services and Activities
- Workforce Preparation and Development
- Other
Winning innovations should meet one or more of the following criteria. When submitting your college's winning innovation, please select the criteria that most strongly apply:
- Quality. Students and/or staff agree that the innovation increases quality in the course, program, office, or institution. Evidence of quality may include student ratings or letters of support from colleagues.
- Efficiency. There is evidence that the innovation contributes to a more efficient way of doing things. Student ratings, perceptions of outside consultants, and pre- and post-comparison of time involved are examples of evidence.
- Cost Effectiveness. There is evidence that the innovation adds value to the institution while at the same time containing or reducing costs. Cost data will serve as evidence.
- Replication. The innovation can be replicated at other institutions with a minimum of difficulty.
- Creativity. The innovation should be original or the adaptation creative. The program description or letters from experts are examples of evidence.
- Timeliness. The innovation should be no more than five years old at the institution, but must have been around long enough to have been tested so that it meets most of the criteria.
- Other. Other ways that the innovation worthy of this award.
Recognition by the Institution
Applications should indicate how the college, district, or system will recognize the award-winning innovation and associated team members. (300 character limit)
League Recognition of Award Winners
The League recognizes Innovation of the Year Award recipients by
- Sending each recipient an honorary certificate**;
- Posting information about award-winning innovations on the League website;
- Inviting recipients to submit manuscripts to League publications;
- Inviting recipients to share their innovations by submitting proposals to present at the 2021 Innovations Conference (neither honoraria nor expenses are provided to chosen presenters);
- Inviting recipients who attend the Innovations Conference to an exclusive League Awards Reception; and
- Highlighting recipients at the Innovations Conference via onsite signage, general session slideshows, a League Awards program, and a League Awards Celebration at the closing session.
**Colleges or districts planning special award ceremonies should notify the League office as early as possible regarding the winning innovation and the timeline under which they are working. The League will make every effort to get the certificate(s) to the institution's primary award contact in time for the awards ceremony, but must have at least three weeks’ notice.
To find out more about this award and how your college can participate, contact Jeanne Jones.
2019 Innovation of the Year Award Winners
2018 Innovation of the Year Award Winners
2017 Innovation of the Year Award Winners
2016 Innovation of the Year Award Winners
2015 Innovation of the Year Award Winners
To find out more about this award and how your college can participate, contact Jeanne Jones.