Please check back this summer for information about the 2020-2021 awards.
The League for Innovation has been dedicated to informing, inspiring, and celebrating innovation in learning, teaching, staff development, and student success for over 50 years. In 2012, we established the John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards to recognize outstanding faculty, staff, and leaders in the community college field who have made a significant difference in the lives of students and in the communities their colleges serve. Building upon past practice, the League continues this tradition of celebrating excellence with the League Excellence Awards.
We invite all League Board and Alliance member colleges and systems to submit* the name(s) of those at their institutions who exemplify exceptional teaching and leadership for League Excellence Awards. Each member institution determines its own eligibility criteria, procedures, and selection protocol for the Excellence Awards.
*The designated Excellence Awards contact at each institution is responsible for administering this award and submitting names. Please contact your president or chancellor to find out who the primary contact is at your college.
League Recognition of Award Winners
The League recognizes Excellence Award recipients by
- Posting participating colleges and recipient names on the League website;
- Inviting recipients to share their expertise by submitting proposals to present at the 2021 Innovations Conference (neither honoraria nor expenses are provided to chosen presenters);
- Inviting recipients who attend the Innovations Conference to an exclusive League Awards Reception;
- Giving each recipient an honorary certificate and medallion; and
- Highlighting recipients at the Innovations Conference via onsite signage, general session slideshows, a League Awards Program, and a League Awards Celebration at the closing session.
To find out more about this award and how your college can participate, contact Jeanne Jones.