League Alliance membership provides access to the latest practices and resources in the community college field that can improve your college and help professionally develop faculty and administration.
League Alliance membership with an iStream subscription provides your institution access to premium content, as well as all Alliance member benefits. iStream is the League's comprehensive, online resource bank to help faculty, staff, and administrators stay abreast of cutting-edge trends, practices, and policy in the community college field.
Join or renew your Alliance membership at any time!
League Alliance Pricing
Alliance |
Alliance With iStream |
0 - 1,500 | $825 | $2,825 |
1,501 - 3,000 | $950 | $3,450 |
3,001 - 4,500 | $1,050 | $4,050 |
4,501 - 6,000 | $1,150 | $4,650 |
6,001 - 9,000 | $1,250 | $5,250 |
9,001+ | $1,350 | $5,850 |
District/System: Join or subscribe as a district/system and save! Districts or systems that pay for an Alliance membership in one transaction qualify for discounted pricing.
Individual iStream Subscription: If your college is not an Alliance member, or is an Alliance member without an iStream subscription, you may purchase access to iStream's premium content.
For additional information about Alliance membership, district/system membership, or iStream, please contact Sherry Sklar, Membership Services Specialist, at 480.705.8200, x228.