The League for Innovation in the Community College (League) is an international nonprofit organization with a mission to cultivate innovation in the community college environment. Founded in 1968 by B. Lamar Johnson and a dozen U.S. community and technical college presidents, the League has proudly served community college institutions for almost five decades.
News and Announcements

With support from the Walmart Foundation, the League for Innovation in the Community College has launched "Innovative Solutions for Hunger Relief and Student Success," a two-year project to help community colleges reduce food insecurity...
Outstanding technology students; innovative projects, initiatives, and programs; and significant contributions to teaching, learning, and leadership were recognized at the League for Innovation in the Community College’s Innovations...


Who We Are

Upcoming Events
Walmart Brighter Futures 3.0
Walmart Brighter Futures 3.0 provides the skills and knowledge needed to move into management and leadership roles in the retail industry by bringing to scale the Retail Management Certificate. MORE>
Faculty Voices
What issues, challenges, and concerns do you have about the national focus on student completion? In what ways are you supporting student success, retention, and completion? Join the conversation! MORE>
Community Colleges & Public Health
Curricular resources to assist community colleges in developing programs in public health education and administration, environmental health, and health navigation are now available. MORE>

by Annie Wagganer